26 Nov The next chapter for HeliTSA
If there is one thing engineers are good at, it’s making things complex. So when we launched HeliTSA at the end of 2016, we made our mission crystal clear: to deliver training for engineers, by engineers. We still stand by that commitment – and now as we celebrate our second birthday, we are expanding how we help engineers get their licences.
If you have visited us online before, you will have noticed we have a new look. And that is just the start of the changes happening at HeliTSA.
When we decided to shake up the way rotary type training is delivered, we were committed to changing with the industry. But there is one thing that never changes in aviation: what you know matters just as much as who you know.
That is why our flagship HeliTSA-139 training focuses equally on delivering relevant knowledge and building solid connections between course participants. These little things make a big difference, and now we’re expanding this commitment even further.
Here is your first look at the changes happening around here.
1. We are now operating under our own Part 147
Previously we delivered training under Aviation Australia’s Part 147. But with the introduction of new courses (more on that below), it is time for us to commit to our own model of training.
With this Part 147 approval, we have redesigned our website (please take a look around while you’re here) and introduced new S-92 type courses and OJT Journals.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Aviation Australia for supporting our vision from day one.
2. S-92 type training is launching in 2019
You asked for this one. Following multiple requests, we have now developed S-92 training – and the first B1.3 and B2 courses are running in May next year.
Why the S-92? We will only ever develop courses for aircraft that create a demand for engineers – and with S-92 being the most popular offshore machine in Australia at the moment, we are excited to start offering this training.
Just like our HeliTSA-139 courses, the S-92 courses are designed to give you hands-on access to live aircraft, as well as theory packed with useful knowledge. We have recently been contracting to S-92 operators and have a long list of tips to bring you.
3. New OJT Journals are now available
There has been a big issue in the industry recently: first of type ratings are almost impossible to achieve. Recent changes in Part 66 licensing and the discontinuation of SOE journals for type-rated licences left engineers without a method for attaining the first of type rating on their CASA licence.
So last year we worked with CASA to introduce 139 OJT Journals, and now S-92 and 109 first of type Journals have also been approved.
But some things haven’t changed …
As much as we are looking forward to the next chapter of HeliTSA, it really is a continuation of the past two years of teaching and connecting with engineers.
By expanding the ways we help you to get licensed, we want to support the diversity of the local industry while also making it easier to access training that is worth your time investment. Once you have your licence, so many new opportunities open up for you – so we hope to see you in the classroom soon.
If you have any questions for us, please reach out!
And lastly, thank you for your support over the last two years. We are looking forward to many more. – Pep and Troy
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